UNDERC student wins prestigious Udall Scholarship

Author: Michael Cramer

Dominic Acri conducted research at UNDERC-East on how photoperiod affects foraging behavior of woodland deer mice.

Dominic Acri presents his UNDERC-East research at the Fall Undergraduate Research Fair.


Dominic Acri, UNDERC-East (2016) and UNDERC-West (2017) student, was just awarded a prestigious scholarship from the Udall Foundation. The Udall Foundation supports study in fields related to the environment and to Native Americans in fields related to health care and tribal public policy. Dominic's project at UNDERC-East investigated the effect of photoperiod on the foraging behavior of deer mice, and will be presented at the Ecological Society of America's annual meeting this summer. The only other Notre Dame student to be awarded this honor was Lauren Eckert, UNDERC-East student (2012) and teaching assistant (2014). 

This link provides additional information about Dominic and the Udall Foundation.